2.2 AirshipX Solves the Social Legacy Problems from Web2.0

Relying on the application of blockchain technology, AirshipX aims to solve some disadvantages of traditional social networks. In the blockchain environment, AirshipX allows users to run nodes on their own devices to access the network and interconnect nodes in real time, and the user data is stored on network nodes in encrypted form to form a distributed cloud. According to the blockchain technology, data is redundant storage and only accessible to those who have the private key.

(1) Disputes of data ownership

In traditional social platforms, users' social data is stored on the operator's server in the form of fields, and the data belongs to the platform; AirshipX embraces blockchain technology and uses a distributed network to replace the centralized data server group. The distributed network stores and maintains a public database, which greatly helps solving the dispute of user data ownership by returning the data ownership to the user with the characteristics of the immutable data.

(2)Privacy security issues

The registration of all accounts in traditional social media requires the user's real identity information, and the information stored in the operator's back end which can be easily hacked; AirshipX is based on blockchain technology, and the anonymous nature of user identity is helpful for the protection of privacy and security。

(3)Guaranteed distribution of rewards

Under the algorithm of traditional social platforms, there is an unbalanced distribution of rewards between the users and the platforms when it comes to traffic realization, which does protect users' rights and interests; Through AirshipX, users will be able to financialize their social influence. The platform has an incentive mechanism similar to Token. Users who create content and contribute computing power can get rewards. Users can also create channels on their own to get the rewards of content creation, and there are no third-party commissions such as platforms fees.

(4)Full freedom for users.

AirshipX can not only bring users a sense of security and a sense of belonging, but also at the same time, this efficient, free, and relaxing environment attracts users who value experience and desire freedom.

Based on the peer-to-peer network communication model, the decentralized structure has the characteristics of immutable, which ensures the establishment of trust. And this technology will help re-establish the credit system of the application center when applied to the platform.

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