3.5 Private Account System

The privacy protection of blockchain is mainly composed of user identity and transaction information. In terms of identity, the degree of anonymity of the account should be improved, and the correlation between the address and the real identity of the user should be reduced through technology. In terms of transaction privacy, the blockchain needs to be guaranteed. Under the premise of the consensus mechanism, data information should be hidden as much as possible. Privacy at the transaction level is relatively complex, involving many aspects such as data generation, verification, transmission, storage, and use.

AirshipX adopts a privacy account system to solve the problem of account privacy leakage caused by public transaction information. The platform is mainly accomplished by hiding the key information of users, including technology such as CoinJoin, Stealth Address, Ring Signature, zkSNARKS zero-knowledge proof algorithm, etc., and this way it accomplishes the confirmation of mnemonic words, social content data asymmetric encryption transmission and other functions.

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