8.1 Risk Warning

As a new investment method, digital currency investment has various risks. Potential project participants should carefully evaluate investment risks and their own risk tolerance:

(1) Uncertain regulations and enforcement actions

The regulatory status of AirshipX and distributed ledger technology is unclear or uncertain in many jurisdictions. It is impossible to predict how, when or whether regulators will apply existing regulations or create new regulations for such technologies and their applications, including the AirshipX platform or ASC. Regulatory action could negatively impact the AirshipX platform or ASC in a variety of ways. If regulatory action or a change in law or regulation makes operation in that jurisdiction illegal, or it is not commercially desirable to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals to operate in such a jurisdiction.

The Foundation will take a cautious approach to the sale of ASC after consulting a wide range of legal advisors and continuously analyzing the development and legal structure of the virtual currency. Therefore, AirshipX may continuously adjust its sales strategy to avoid relevant legal risks as much as possible.

(2) Regulatory risk

Since the development of the blockchain is still in the early stage, there are no regulatory documents related to pre-requirements, transaction requirements, information disclosure requirements, lock-in requirements, etc. in the process of digital currency distribution and issuance. And it is still unclear how the current policy will be implemented. These factors may have an uncertain impact on the investment and liquidity of the project. Blockchain technology has become the main object of supervision in major countries in the world. If the regulatory body intervenes or exerts influence, the application of the project may be affected by it, such as legal restrictions on the use, sales of digital currency may be restricted, hindered or even directly terminated.

(3) Competition risk

With the development of information technology and mobile Internet, digital currencies represented by btc are gradually emerging, various decentralized applications continue to emerge, and competition in the industry is becoming increasingly intense. With the continuous emergence and expansion of other application platforms, the project application platform will face continuous operational pressure and certain market competition risks.

(4) Risk of personnel loss

AirshipX has gathered a group of technical teams and consultants with leading advantages and rich experience in their respective professional fields, including many professionals who have been engaged in the blockchain industry for a long time and a core team with rich experience in Internet product development and operation. The stability of the core team and consultant resources are of great significance for AirshipX to maintain its core competitiveness in the industry. The loss of core personnel or consultant teams may affect the stable operation of the platform or have certain adverse effects on future development.

(5) Risk of inability to develop due to lack of funds

Due to the sharp drop in the price of the digital currency raised by the founding team or the development time exceeding expectations, it may cause a lack of development funds for the team, which may lead to an extreme lack of funds for the team, thereby failing to achieve the original development goals.

(6) Risk of private key loss

After the user withdraws the tokens to his digital wallet address, the only way to manipulate the content contained in the address is the purchaser's relevant key (the private key or wallet password). Users are personally responsible for protecting the keys used to sign transactions that prove ownership of assets. The user understands and accepts that if his private key file or password is lost or stolen, respectively, the obtained tokens associated with the user's account (address) or password will be unrecoverable and will be lost permanently. The best way to securely store login credentials is for the purchaser to separate the keys to one or more places for safe storage, preferably not on a public computer.

(7) Risk of hacking or theft

Hackers or other organizations or countries may disrupt blockchain applications or functions in any way, including but not limited to denial of service attacks, sybil attacks, guerrilla attacks, malware attacks, or consistency attacks.

(8) Risk of uninsured loss

Unlike bank accounts or accounts in other financial institutions, assets stored in on-chain accounts are usually not insured, and in any event of loss, there will be no public individual or organization underwriting your loss.

(9) Risks related to core protocols

The platform token is currently developed based on a specific chain. Although the team will select the most secure and stable blockchain as the infrastructure, any failure, unexpected functional problem or attack on the chain may cause the platform to pass. certificate or item stops working or loses functionality in an unpredictable way.

(10) Systemic risk

The risk of an overlooked fatal flaw in software or a massive failure of the global network infrastructure. While some of these risks will be substantially mitigated over time, such as fixing bugs and breaking computational bottlenecks, others remain unpredictable, such as political factors or natural disasters that could disrupt a partial or global Internet outage.

(11) Vulnerability risk or risk of accelerated development of cryptography

The accelerated development of cryptography or the development of technology such as the development of quantum computers may bring the risk of cracking to this product, which may lead to the loss of tokens.

(12) Other unforeseen risks

Cryptography-based digital currency is a brand new technology. In addition to the risks mentioned in this white paper, there are also some risks that the founding team has not mentioned or anticipated. In addition, other risks may arise suddenly or in a combination of many of the risks already mentioned.

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