7.2 Token Allocations

Ecosystem Nodes 70%

70% of the tokens will be distributed to node holders within the ecosystem. The purpose is to enhance the interaction, encrypted communication and storage between the various available Airship platforms, and to establish a reliable network system. Stakeholders wishing to participate in the Airship platform ecosystem can exercise certain rights conferred by holding the token on the platform.

10% is released in the first year(linear vesting for 365 days)and halved every year after one year.

Users Airdrops 15%

a) User behavior rewards account for 10%, 40% linear vesting for 12months, and halved year by year after one year.

b) IDO and Partnerships Airdrop accounts for 5%(33% at TGE, linear vesting for 3 months). The supply of this proportion of user behavior rewards will be used for marketing activities in the initial growth of the platform. It will be used for marketing such as user acquisition and branding, initially building the platform, and will be the foundation to continuously drive the expansion and development of the platform. The supply of Airdrop will be allocated to the activities of task rewards, including but not limited to user incentive airdrops, product internal IDO and Airdrop cooperation with various partners.

Partner Funds 10%

The reserve funds are relatively abundant at first. Financing will start at the right time according to the progress of the project.Vesting schedule TBD.

Core Contributors 5% This will be allocated to developers primarily during the initial development stage of the platform. This team includes developers who have participated in the development and operation of the market economy, and other parties directly or indirectly involved in the construction of the platform.

0% at TGE ,locked for two years,linear vesting for 24 months.

Last updated