1.3.Airship Rewards

"Airship Rewards" are represented by Airship Tokens (ASC), reflected on the Airship Blockchain and/or the Airship App and Website, which may or may not be bridged to other Blockchains (including but not limited to Ethereum) It is entirely up to the user to choose and act through the minting process. Airship rewards are a type of digital reward, not a security token. Airship rewards are not offered to investors and there is no initial coin offering to promote Airship rewards. Like BTC (a digital reward generated by the Bitcoin blockchain), Airship rewards are created through a unique blockchain protocol. Each user participating in the Airship blockchain protocol shall receive 100% of the user-allocated Airship rewards and any other digital rewards, which are deposited in the user's Airship app or wallet. Airship rewards and any other digital rewards may only exist on the Airship blockchain and may or may not have value. Airship cannot and will not control whether any Airship Rewards, any NFTs and any other digital rewards have monetary value on any other blockchain. Airship Rewards, NFTs or other digital rewards cannot be exchanged for currency on the Airship Blockchain, the website or any related website.

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