2.7. Taxes

The user is responsible for paying any taxes and the user will pay for the Airship service without deduction of any taxes. If User is required by law to withhold any tax on payments made to Airship, User must provide Airship with an official tax receipt or other eligible document to support such withholding, including value added tax (“VAT”), as applicable . It is the user's responsibility to pay (or reimburse Airship) any taxes, interest, penalties or penalties that may arise from any misdeclaration by the user. User shall pay Airship all taxes and government fees required to be collected or paid by Airship in the sale or delivery of Airship Services.

Be forewarned that potential users of NFTS or digital rewards (including, but not limited to, Bitcoin) may incur financial losses due to unfavorable exchange rates when converting such rewards into fiat currency. In addition, preferential exchange rates at the time of conversion may result in tax liability. Users should consult a tax advisor regarding any tax consequences associated with the purchase, sale, trade, receipt or other use of Digital Rewards.

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